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This guide outlines the steps required to establish a connection with GitLab in ezto workflows.

1 Navigate to your GitLab account and register a new OAuth application.

2 Provide a name for the application.

3 Copy the OAuth Redirect URL from ezto workflow and paste it into the Redirect URI field on the GitLab page.

4 Mark the Confidential field on Gitlab page.

5 In the Scopes section on the GitLab page, select api and read_user.

6 Save the application by clicking the Save application button.

7 Copy the Application ID value from the same page, then switch to ezto workflows and paste it into the Client ID field under GitLab.

8 Similarly, copy the Secret value from the same page, switch to ezto workflows, and paste it into the Client Secret field under ezto workflows' GitLab.

9 Switch to GitLab, click Continue.

10 Once done, switch back to ezto workflows and click on Submit to complete the setup.